welcome to highwayphotos.net


Studio quality photography - this is my 15th year taking photos of people having the time of their lives and I love doing it.
The stories I have been told behind some of my photos have been awesome and I'm so glad I'm able to provide this unique service. Have you checked what studios charge for portraits?
What I do cannot be compared - not even close - but my prices are much less


Note: If you pass my camp in a group and are riding too close together, I don't shoot anyone in the group.
Space is your friend when wanting the best results... space and clear of all traffic

Email me with your images numbers - you'll be surprised at the pricing

Photo Session Update: 2/2/25
Sunday's images are online NOW

Please Email me with your image numbers - not screen captures
Be sure to check your SPAM/JUNK folder - I answer emails within 24 hours

Click below to see them

Be sure to check out my Facebook Page
You can also follow me on Instagram
Update for "The Snake" roadwork below

Singer Porsche - "Mulholland"

Drone photo of "The Snake" from early August 2024
No Road Yet

Jay Leno's ECOJET Jet car
Jay Leno interviews Victory Jon for Jay Leno's Garage

The link to the interview is not working at this time

When I'm on Mulholland, the address is 27735 Mulholland Highway, Agoura

If you like what you see in the galleries, you are going to love the ones you purchase.

ALL of my work is 100% guaranteed and my pricing is more than reasonable. Call anytime, my customer service is second to none.

Email me for details


Phone: 818.426.7653

Smile... you look cool.

Mulholland Highway and the Santa Monica Mountains... these are the highways in Southern California that are legendary for their awesome scenery and spectacular curves. Anyone heading to the Rock Store, The Old Place, or Neptune's Net will tell you that the journey truly is the destination. Getting there IS ALL THE FUN!!!

Welcome to HighwayPhotos.net where your joy ride just may become your favorite photograph - ever.
Whether cruising Mulholland Highway or somewhere else, you just may have been caught on camera. 
I can be found most weekends snapping shots of motorcyclists, cars and cyclists.  A picture while moving poses no challenge with my high-powered, top-notch Nikon equipment. 
Photography like this is an art worth keeping.  Be sure to check out the "VJ Favorites" and "Client Testimonials" sections on the site.
Another special feature is the custom Panorama Action Images offered. These are rare and in most cases, free with your order.
These are very unique custom images created by stitching multiple images together - a time consuming art with remarkable results... see samples in VJ Favorites section.

If you're looking for a great picture for yourself, a friend or a group, contact me today to schedule a session in advance or simply hunt me down... I'm out there somewhere . I prefer phone calls over texting so call anytime. Be sure to check the galleries to see if photos already exists - click the "Get Your Photos" link above to search for your images.


Getting your photos is easy...

1. Click the "View Your Photos" link above and follow the links to locate your images.

2. Write down the image numbers and dates. (ex. AAA_0001)
If you cannot find your images, call Victory Jon at 818.426.7653 or send me an email - victoryjon@highwayphotos.net - with a detailed description of you and your ride including approx time and date.

3. After you find your images, email me - victoryjon@highwayphotos.net - be sure to include the image numbers and dates

4. I will review the high resolution images before sending you a quote and I offer substantial saving on mulitiple image orders.

5. Upon receipt of the quote, you can either purchase the photos using a special link I will provide, Paypal to my email, Venmo to @victoryjon or Zelle. Contact me for other options.

What do you get from me?

Good question... you will receive the High Resolution Digital Image files - full size images are 46 megapixel and at 300dpi. The images are huge and large enough to print poster size or larger without loss in resolution/detail.

The advantages of having the digital image files over prints are that the image files can be used with countless computer and internet applications. They cannot bend, fold, burn or fade like prints can and you can have them printed over and over again, any size you want. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are a couple of the many social network websites these images will look awesome on.

Sorry, I do not do the printing... but I do offer free technical assistance to those less adept with their computers. I also use a site which allows you to order prints and/or merchandise so just let me know and I'll make it happen...

What else do you get?

All images are stored indefinitely on backup drives so if you lose or damage purchased image files, I will replace them free of charge. Customer Service and Satisfaction is my main concern - as much as the quality of the photos.


Copyright © 2024 Highway Photos & Victory Jon Photography- All Rights Reserved